Wednesday 25 July 2007

Where not to read a book


Recently we've been getting all the floods n stuff in Abingdon because of the insane amount of rain the UK's been getting recently. Today, I finally got to go down to the river itself with me mum and see just how much it's risen. We went our normal route, although this led to us wading through knee deep water for part of it. Twh water really has come right up

There's this one part area down by the river, right near the weir, where i often go if I want some time to meself to read and draw, or if I just want to get out of the house. It always relaxes me to just go and sit there watching the river. Now however the place that I tend to sit is under 2ft of water. Somehow I don't think that I'll be able to go down there for a while. I guess I'll just have to find somewhere else for the time being.

Another thing that I managed to do today was to erase me Zelda game from me Wii. I know that it's only a game and all that, and It shouldn't really bother me, but I'm still pretty cheesed off at meself about it. I was really enjoying it too, and now I've gotta go back to the start and it's going to take ages to get back to where I was before. No chance of any new fdiscoveries for a while then. Oh well. I guess there's nothing I can do except go over what I've done already, and try to get better at the game in general. *sighs*

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