Monday 9 July 2007

I now pronounce that I shall hencefourth be know as "Larry"


ok, so to start with I'm gonna say that I reeeeally wish I'd typed this up earlier since I've just kinda dropped into one of my "kinda depressed" moods for no reason. I'm gonna try to get across some of the enthusiasm that I had about the day earlier though since I still think it was pretty good, anyways............................

Ok, so today I had my second "swimming teacher training" course lesson like thing. To start with I'm kinda regretting trying to get an early night (asleep just after 1:00. *shock horror*) and I got almost 7 hours sleep, this is a good coupla hours more than I normally get so I've now spent the whole day feeling totally knackered. This week the session started at 10:00 rather than 9 which was a lil better than last week. We did however have to share the room with lots of spectators for several badminton matches that were going on on campus as part of the "Oxfordshire Youth Games". They weren't too distracting though so It was ok. this week we were learning all about back paddle/stroke.

This week was slightly different to last week though, in the fat that we actually had to teach some kids. I'd been stressing about it all week since we'd been sent off and told that we had to write 4 lesson plans. I was kinda ok with what I ad to do, the problem was that I'd never met the kids before or seen them swim so I had no idea what they were capable of.

In the end it turned out aright though. there were few *whattheheckisthatkiddoingOMGoodnessHELP!!!*. lol, but apart from that It went great, and I'm actually kinda looking forwards to teaching the kids next week. At least next week we're doing backstroke.

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