Monday 23 July 2007

SHREK!!!!!!......and soon and so fourth.......


So today started off pretty boring. I'm kinda trying to tidy up the lounge atm and it's taking an age. oh well. I'd taken a break and come one the comp to try n chat to Shelley for a bit, and was listening to some of the songs from the Shrek films that I'd tracked down on youtube when I decided that I may as well just put the film on as I continued to tidy up n stuff. I never got to watch it though because I ended up heading over to Alex's so that I could get i lift up to Dave's to play canasta with them (I'm still not quite sure what happened there, I just know that I ended up at Dave's rather that tidying up. *is much confuzzled*) So yeah, we played a coupla games of canasta. I won one (by pure luck), and I think that Dave won the next one. Throughout the game Dave had plugged his ipod into some speakers, and I was quite happy to find that there were a few of the songs from the shrek films on there, which was what I was going to watch the films for anyways. lol

We then had dave showing off his new resi4 Wii game that he's been telling me that I have to go see since he got it. It actually looked pretty good. I'm not sure if it's the sorta game that I'd buy and actually play, but I've got no problem with watching other peeps play it. It's not quite as bad as I thought it might be (although I still don't really like it when any of them loose their heads. yeugh).

So yeah, It was pretty fun just to hang out playing cards n stuff. I soooooo wish that I'd met all the cell peeps whilst I was still in school. oh well.

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