Wednesday 25 July 2007

Where not to read a book


Recently we've been getting all the floods n stuff in Abingdon because of the insane amount of rain the UK's been getting recently. Today, I finally got to go down to the river itself with me mum and see just how much it's risen. We went our normal route, although this led to us wading through knee deep water for part of it. Twh water really has come right up

There's this one part area down by the river, right near the weir, where i often go if I want some time to meself to read and draw, or if I just want to get out of the house. It always relaxes me to just go and sit there watching the river. Now however the place that I tend to sit is under 2ft of water. Somehow I don't think that I'll be able to go down there for a while. I guess I'll just have to find somewhere else for the time being.

Another thing that I managed to do today was to erase me Zelda game from me Wii. I know that it's only a game and all that, and It shouldn't really bother me, but I'm still pretty cheesed off at meself about it. I was really enjoying it too, and now I've gotta go back to the start and it's going to take ages to get back to where I was before. No chance of any new fdiscoveries for a while then. Oh well. I guess there's nothing I can do except go over what I've done already, and try to get better at the game in general. *sighs*

Tuesday 24 July 2007

cake and remote controls

I spent today at the Gilbert's baby sitting Alex (Alexandara) it was really nice to get outa the house again for a bit, for something that wasn't technically work related, and wasn't at Radley college. (although still in Radley). it was also great to see Alex again. I really can't believe that she is now 9. I still expect her to be 5. She's definitely growing up.

So yeah, whilst I was there I kinda helped her out with some oragami animal stuffs, before she decided to watch "click". I wasn't quite sure what I'd make of the film, and I found most of it quite predictable, although there was kinda one twist bout the mad scientist dude that I didn't see coming, all in all it was a Alex had never actually seen the last 10 minutes before, and so had missed the final major twist. We then watched "confessions of a teenage drama queen". I've actually read the book that this is based on at some point, so I kinda knew the basic plot. It was a typical "young teen girl" film staring Lindsay Lohan. I enjoyed it, but it's not exactly my style.

So yeah, the next thing we did was to make cake. I've been making loadsa random fairy cakes recently which turned out to be pretty helpful for today. One of he first things that we had to do was to wander down to her local shop to buy some eggs, cream and stuffs. I also brought a bag of fruit salad sweet things because I hadn't eaten them in years and I remember that I used to totally love them as a kid. As we wandered back we chatted aimlessly, ate sweets, and tried to make each other walk into trees n stuffs. Anyways, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages later we finally got around to putting the mixture in the oven, and it was finished just as Ann arrived home. We stuck the two halves of cakes together, and I headed off home with a mouthful of cake and jam. ^_^

Monday 23 July 2007

SHREK!!!!!!......and soon and so fourth.......


So today started off pretty boring. I'm kinda trying to tidy up the lounge atm and it's taking an age. oh well. I'd taken a break and come one the comp to try n chat to Shelley for a bit, and was listening to some of the songs from the Shrek films that I'd tracked down on youtube when I decided that I may as well just put the film on as I continued to tidy up n stuff. I never got to watch it though because I ended up heading over to Alex's so that I could get i lift up to Dave's to play canasta with them (I'm still not quite sure what happened there, I just know that I ended up at Dave's rather that tidying up. *is much confuzzled*) So yeah, we played a coupla games of canasta. I won one (by pure luck), and I think that Dave won the next one. Throughout the game Dave had plugged his ipod into some speakers, and I was quite happy to find that there were a few of the songs from the shrek films on there, which was what I was going to watch the films for anyways. lol

We then had dave showing off his new resi4 Wii game that he's been telling me that I have to go see since he got it. It actually looked pretty good. I'm not sure if it's the sorta game that I'd buy and actually play, but I've got no problem with watching other peeps play it. It's not quite as bad as I thought it might be (although I still don't really like it when any of them loose their heads. yeugh).

So yeah, It was pretty fun just to hang out playing cards n stuff. I soooooo wish that I'd met all the cell peeps whilst I was still in school. oh well.

Sunday 22 July 2007



I've finally finnished me Teacher training course (lvl.1). I really can not believe quite how much paper work I had to do for it. It seemed endless, but at least it's over with now. As of today I can officially teach midgets not to drown ^_^

Saturday 21 July 2007

When else can you wear a cloak and not get laughed at???


So yeah. I have HP7. = D
recently I suddenly realised that this is the last HP book, and it's the only series that is getting the hype of a midnight opening. I haven't bothered to go to the last HP openings since I always seemed rather pointless/silly to me, but since this was the last chance I'd get to do it I decided to go ahead this time anyways. I ended up heading over to cloud's house with Alex to start with. Alex, Cloud n Gaz started to chat bout building/repairing Land rovers n stuff (as gaz sat at a sewing machine making the new seat covers, lol), and me and Tom just stood round talking bout a new game he's got for his PS2.

After a while we looked at the time and decided that we really should be heading into town. On the way there I simply had to run down and look at the lil bridge over the stream near Clouds house. Honest, I had no control over it. I really couldn't believe quite how high it was. Anyways, we then headed up through the lil wood bit and into town. Tom was wearing a cape thing, and when we got closer Cloud put one on too. She then handed me one and told me to put it on. SO yes, I wandered into the town centre wearing a cape. hey, quit looking at me like that. You knew I was weird before you started reading this post so you really shouldn't be all that surprised. lol. Anyways, my first impression upon arriving at the town center was of a few hundred people milling around, laughing and joking, and most of them wearing random hats or cloaks. Alex had to go get some money from a hole in the wall so that he could actually get the book, and a group of chavs started shouting bout Potter, (in a piraty accent which was kinda odd. Then again, chavs are a rather strange species). So anyways, I then put me cloak on (again) an we joined the que just outside bakers oven. Sarah, Kat and PJ were queing up too, and Pj came and chatted to us for a bit. Someone was also coming along with a kinda sorting hat. I turned out to be a slytherin. lol. They also sent someone along with a kinda sweet trolley thing that was giving out free sweets. Charlotte grabbed me a giant spider thing which was cool. At midnight everyone started to count down and on one they set off a few fireworks above the shop which was nice. Me and Charlotte then shouted "happy new year", and did our own mini rendition of "old man time". Between then and us actually getting onto the shop we also sang the Homer Simpson song (the one that goes along with the Flintstones tune), and just before we entered the shop we sang "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" which seemed to amuse the Lady dressed up on the door.

Anyways, at last we brought our books before headed off into the night clutching our treasures and leaving an expectant que behind.

Thursday 19 July 2007

Well, the broken glass was pretty.................


So yeah, today I gotta meet up with Liz, Shelley n Dave.

We started off lookin round some random shops. Me n Liz looked round primark at kiddie stuffs which was cool. Although I didn't actually buy anything due to a slight lack in the money department. Finding a whole in the wall soon sorted out this issue though.

Eventually we made it to the cinema to watch the 5th harry potter film, I have to say that although I did enjoy it, I was also a little dissapointed. The film seemed to skip great chunks of the book, and I have the feeling that it wouldn't have made all that much sense if you hadn't read the book to start with, having said that I did totally love part near the end where volly the teens and Dumbledore were running about and there was a loada shattered glass flying everywhere, I just found that part real pretty, lol

now, at this point ai was going to write s'mink else about the day, but the only not that I left to remind meself what happened was the word "quiet", and I haven't the foggiest what it's refering too. I guess it serves me right for leaving this post as bullet points for 8 months before writeg it up properly. There's a lesson to be learned here someplace.

Tuesday 17 July 2007


Been feeling ill most of the day, totally stuffed up me uni aplication, and mananage to let down 3 really great mates. So yeah, It's been a great day.

Monday 16 July 2007

A post bout the weekend,... well, friday anyways.


Ok, so as every school kid knows, the weekend starts on the Friday. So this friday was the day that me n me mum were both retaking out NPLQ's. I'd spent most of the day reading through me NPLQ ring binder.folder thing, basically cramming. It was basically a case of refreshing my memory, and trying to remember all of the new choking/CPR stuff over the old stuff I was originally taught. (I now have to sing "Nelly the Elephant" twice *shock horror* ).
At about 5:30 me and me mum finally headed over to Radley college to do the exam. I was insanely nervous about it because I knew that the examiner was going to be someone who I'd never met before so I had no idea what he was going to be like, or if I knew anywhere near enough to pass. It worked out ok in the end though. We did the manikin work first and I think that it went ok considering just how much some of it has changed since last time. I didn't do the baby manikin, but I did the other 3 resus things. We then moved on to do the questions and they actually went pretty well I think. the four of us kinda bounced off each other so when one person ran out of things to say in an answer, another would carry on with what they knew. Apparently this showed the examiner that we were a good team. After one of my questions the examiner accused me of memorizing the whole book which is odd since I've only been through it once, I just have a great capacity for useless information I guess.

So yeah, the questions went well. so well that we actually finished about an hour and a half early so we had to sit around for ages before we could go in the pool and finish off the test. It was cool that we got to relax a bit between the two parts. We had a quick warm up first, and then we started off with the timed swims, which I have to say are absolute killers. We also did all the other things such as land based rescues n such, and finally we did the one with the unconscious casualty in the Pit. I HATE with a capital H diving down into the pit. The sigh says that it's 3.5 meters deep (, but it lies, it's actually 3.7, but anyways......) and I always kinda panic when I'm at the bottom, this does mean that I can always do it really fast though so, yeah. This time was the first time ever that I've dived down there and not got some sorta mild earache, the problem was that I was so surprised by this that I actually inhaled a loada water and had to try really hard not to start coughing and spluttering as soon as I got to the surface. Apart from that it went fine though. Except that I totally messed up the splint tow the first time, but I did it right the second time so I still did ok. but yeah. I passed and I'm seriously happy bout it cos it means that I don't have to worry bout it for at least a year and a half now.

Saturday 14 July 2007

sleep working


I PASSED ME NPLQ. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really want to write about it now. but I'm pretty tired atm and I've got so much work set for 2-moz so I'd better get it done. but yeah, today was great n I'll guess I'll try n write bout it some othre time.

Monday 9 July 2007

I now pronounce that I shall hencefourth be know as "Larry"


ok, so to start with I'm gonna say that I reeeeally wish I'd typed this up earlier since I've just kinda dropped into one of my "kinda depressed" moods for no reason. I'm gonna try to get across some of the enthusiasm that I had about the day earlier though since I still think it was pretty good, anyways............................

Ok, so today I had my second "swimming teacher training" course lesson like thing. To start with I'm kinda regretting trying to get an early night (asleep just after 1:00. *shock horror*) and I got almost 7 hours sleep, this is a good coupla hours more than I normally get so I've now spent the whole day feeling totally knackered. This week the session started at 10:00 rather than 9 which was a lil better than last week. We did however have to share the room with lots of spectators for several badminton matches that were going on on campus as part of the "Oxfordshire Youth Games". They weren't too distracting though so It was ok. this week we were learning all about back paddle/stroke.

This week was slightly different to last week though, in the fat that we actually had to teach some kids. I'd been stressing about it all week since we'd been sent off and told that we had to write 4 lesson plans. I was kinda ok with what I ad to do, the problem was that I'd never met the kids before or seen them swim so I had no idea what they were capable of.

In the end it turned out aright though. there were few *whattheheckisthatkiddoingOMGoodnessHELP!!!*. lol, but apart from that It went great, and I'm actually kinda looking forwards to teaching the kids next week. At least next week we're doing backstroke.

Saturday 7 July 2007

fresh coal on the bone


To day was pretty cool. It was my churches annual BBQ and I'd invited Shelley along, she came to our church Christmas party so she'd already been there once before and met most people, and she seemed pretty happy bout coming again. Personally I LOVE my lil church, it's real tiny, but it's just got such a great feeling of community about it. Also in the last coupla years a loada families with kids have turned up.
We've had a church BBQ for several years now and it's always been fun. Sittin outside, eatin (slightly burnt) burgers such, and just enjoying everyones company. We also have worship songs n such, and we always have some sorta quiz (where everyone tries, and fails to beat Angus's score).
SO yeah, it was a great day of just hangin out with the people I've grown up with = )

Friday 6 July 2007

Paper cuts


Ok, so I spent most of today sifting through photographs over at Tanya's (one of my guide leaders) house cos I was making up a scrapbook/album for her Foster daughter (Yelena) to take with her when she moves into her new home on wednesday. (she's having to move because she's now eighteen.) A large number of the photographs were from the Florida trip which was kinda cool to look through again. I don't know how many digital photo's I printed out and cut to size, and to be honest I don't really want to know. Whilst I was sorting all this out Tanya was in another part of the house with Yelena so that she could introduce Yelena and her new carers to one another. I didn't really see all that much of them together, but from what I can gather it went well. Later on Tanya ordered a peperoni Pizza and gave me a few slices. I ate two, and then had another "cold" one later that I hadn't been able to manage the first time. I got quite a lot sorted out whilst I was there and came away with loads more pictures to sift through.

Wednesday 4 July 2007

How can a day get so messed up, and yet throw you so many great memories


OK, so overall I don't quite know what to make of yesterday. A couple of really good memories have come out of it, but over all the day just left me feeling pretty negative. To start with I really badly over slept and no one bothered to wake me up. (Even though my mum knew that I had to be at college and my alarm wasn't working.) When I eventually opened my eyes I was already two hours late. No one else was home so I was gonna have to cycle. It was raining and I got halfway there before I realized that I'd needed to take some paperwork with me and I'd left it at home. As I left the second time my dad pulled up. He'd obviously been over at Fyfield since he was towing the trailer which contained our the lawn mower. I would have asked him for a lift, but I was in a real hurry and I didn't have time to wait around for him to take the trailer off and out the lawn mower back in the garage. Plus It would have made him feel bad. I left the front door open as I left since I knew me dad was home and headed off up to college again. When I got there I managed to see a couple of teacher and let them know that I was in college. I then went over to the library intending to go on a computer and randomly search the net, post on the forum, and randomly edit some pictures in photo shop.

When I go there however I found that the computer suite was actually closed, and all of the other computers were taken. In the end I just went to the loaf and brought some skittles and an oasis drink (,I had intended to get some chips too but i kinda forgot). I then headed out to the sit at the picnic table in the bus shelter like thing (,It was the only place outside that had a dry seat,) and filled in some more paperwork for me course. After a while Justin came over and we chatted for a while which was cool. He told me a little about the end of year boat party (that hadn't been on a boat at all), I kinda wish I hadn't been so stressed at the time and forgotten about it, but it still sounds like everyone had fun. I did pay for it, but I know that the money went towards giving everyone a good time so I'm not that bothered about it. At around 1:30 we both headed up to the Mac suite so that I could randomly alter pictures, and he could copy the last of his files onto disk before all our user names are wiped. He also ended up taking a loada random pics of me using the camera on the mac and going through all the different effects that you can use in camera mode. I looked awful in all the pictures, but that's mainly cos I wouldn't hold still cos I didn't really want to have me picture taken at all. I always look awful in photo's.

When it got to 2:00 everyone met in G10 to get their results. I went down there quickly to apologize to Roy and he said that he'd ring my house the next day. I really didn't feel like staying in the room whilst everyone was given their results so I just went back to the mac suite and just messed around with a pic in photoshop.

Once everyone had got their results they headed out. I then logged off and made to leave too, only to find that a group of them were sitting outside the back chatting and smoking. (the public area smoking ban came in a few days ago, and they all remarked on how they felt like they were back smoking behind the bike sheds at school again.) there was me , Helen, Charlotte, Christina, Anna and Justin chatting, and Matt stopped to say a couple of things too. Since I recently discovered that I can sign onto eBuddy (e-messenger) at home with out having to download anything, I decided that I may as well get a load of their MSN addresses since I was probably never going to see most of them again. I immediately lost two of them so I'm going to have to wait till Anna comes online and get them off of her. Christina then mentioned that a load of people from college were going down to the Kassam to go bowling (the first I'd heard of it). I said that I'd try to make it, but it was unlikely I would since I was going to have to wait around for a call from College. I also spotted that this was gonna mean that there was a chance that I wouldn't be able to make it over to Dave's house either, which kinda sucked.

So anyways, I then headed home. On the way there I cycled past "Big Chris" who used to go to explorers, and he actually smiled at me. I was shocked I can tell you. I've known him for just over 4 years now, and thats the first time I remember seeing him properly smile. maybe it was because I wasn't saying anything. So yeah, I was then cycling along, minding my own business when I passed Izzy. I used to get on with Izzy pretty well when we went to guides, but we haven't really spokes properly in years now. Anyways, for some reason I decided to stop n chat to her for a min which was cool, I found out a bit bout what she'd been doing in the past coupla years, whats she's planning on doing now, and I even got her msn too. I eventually got home, only to find that I'd left my keys in the door that morning and my dad had taken them, so I was now locked out. I had been planning on phoning Cloud to say sorry that I wasn't home, (we had be planning on meeting up,) but since I couldn't get into the house and I don't currently know where my mobile is I was kinda stuffed. In the end I just decided to go see if she was at her house and say sorry.

When I got there though I found out that she hadn't been able to make it over anyways so it was ok. I ended up just playing a loada games on their play station (2), I gotta play a random game of Lego Star wars with her brother which was fun, and I also gotta have a look at the 3rd Prince of Persia (two thrones) since I think they've got basically the same game (only under a different name) out for the Wii, I might buy it at some point, I dunno though. I don't recon it'll be half as good as the first game (which I loved) but it should still be ok. I love how the prince dude can do all the free running type stuff. Anyways, I ended up staying for some grub which was cool since I haven't been able to do that in a while. Also Gaz wasn't there the whole time so I just gotta chat to cloud on her own for a bit. It was still cool when Gaz turned up though. ^_^