Wednesday 27 June 2007

Today in general


So this morning I didn't really do all that much at all. I just kinda lazed around the house. Last nights space band got me thinking a bit and kinda cleared me head up s'more. I then gotta go round Alex's place and had a pretty cool time. I managed to download the Internet channel onto my Wii. I'm glad I did that now since this weekend Nintendo are going to start charging people to download it. I still can't connect it up permanently yet, but oh well. hopefully will soon. I also downloaded the "everybody votes" channel which was cool. We then had a random look around on Zelda and I gotta look round a place that I'd spotted on my game and had been unable to get to. It turned out to contain a heart piece (which can come in real useful in the game). Alex also showed me a bit more, though I didn't let him show me too much since I didn't want to to spoil it. We then just kinda wandered around wastin time chattin till he got a text from Stella reminding him that they were actually supposed to be meeting up to go to Pizza hut. I then found out that I was going too (even if no one had told me. lol). Hannah would have gone, but she was having some kinda majour disaster with her prom dress and so was running around trying to sort that out instead. By the time we got to Oxford it was tipping down with rain, and since none of us had coats we just headed for the nearest Pizza hut. It was cool though. Looking back I can't really remember what we were chatting about really, but I had a great time anyways. Stella had her last exam today so she was in a pretty good mood. I hope I get to meet up with her again soon. So yeah. Apart from that, there's the whole cousin thing that I've already said a bit bout. So go read my last post if you don't know what I'm going on bout.

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