Friday 15 June 2007

In a good enough mood to post


OK, so I've been thinking about making a proper blog for a while now I don't expect anyone to read it (and atm I'm not to sure if I really want anyone too), but anyways, I made this blog and went to make my first post. I then realized that I had nothing good to talk about, I was really depressed and stressed at the time and I would have just spent the whole time moaning on and on about how unfair life is. Not a good way to start a blog.
Anyways, here is my official first blog post "Woohoo". So yeah, the last week has been really stressful and chaotic and I can't wait till Monday when more of the stuff will be over and done with and I can finally get a reasonable nights sleep again.This had been my worst week in terms of stress and just generaly feeling depressed in a long time. I've actually been crying in front of people which is really bad. So yeah, this weeks just been the pits. I'm so glad it's nearly over. Anyway, my next post should be a little more cheerful.

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