Tuesday 11 September 2007

ROAD TRIP!!.......almost.


Cloud came round again today. She passed her driving test last Friday so she came round to give me a lil drive. All we did was drive up to Mac Donald's, but it was still cool for just the two of us to be able to drive up there. We brought take outs, and nicked a loada the "art attack" sheet things they've got out for the kids atm. When we just headed back to my house. We decided to watch a DVD whilst we ate, and we settled on watching "a Series on Unfortunate Events" since she's never seen it. She agreed with me that the "Happy lil elf" intro totally confuses you at the beginning, and that it's just an all out weird film. I remember liking it much more the second time I saw it for some reason. So yeah, after the film me and cloud had a go on excite truck. She picked it up really quickly. She always did great on stars (normally being higher than me) but I'm used the controls more so she'd often finish a few seconds behind me. We're a pretty even match though which is fun. I'm really gonna miss her when I go to uni. though we've both said we'll write to each other. (Neither she nor her boyfriend have the Internet, and she's almost as bad as me when it comes to texts).

In the evening I had my last space band practice which was kind of odd. It's still kinda annoying that I only really got to go to it for 6 months, and that I had to give up me swimming to do it. I still think I made the right decision though since I've totally loved being a part of it.

So yeah, the end of an era, is sneaking up on me fast, and I feel like there's so much I want to do before I eventually leave, but there's not enough time to do it. Life's just weird like that I guess.

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