Thursday 31 January 2008

Curly fries, part of your everyday staple diet.

So nothing much really happend today, other than me having to go to a 3 hour lecture and a seminar *pulls a face*. At least the lecture was given by one of the lecturers I like. I mean he actually givis his opinion on things, and he somehow seems to make whatever it is he's takin bout intersting, which was good since I wasn't really all that enthusiastic on learining bout cubism for 3 hours. It turned out to be pretty interesting though, and I wrote waaaaaaay to many notes. The lecturer also gave us a 20 min break in the middle to go get lunch n such so i took this opportunity to buy a plateful of curly fries....and an Oasis drink. could someone please explain to me why curled up fries always seem to taste better thahen when their in any other form?

Early on in the evening I had a craving to potato waffles. I didn't get them straight away though since I ended up wandering up to Asda with laura instead (and buying yet another new book, oops). By the time I got back to hall my craving for waffles had developed into a craving for american waffles/pancakes which I didn't have. poor lil me. So yeah, life's a downer when ur lacking waffles

Wednesday 30 January 2008

I now have lectures again. What more do I need to say...


Well, yesterday I had some lectures. *pulls a face* i guess they weren't too bad, but they didn't seem all that interesting either. Durin the last chunk of lectures before christmas I discovered that the only way I could stay awake enough to actually take in any of what the lecturer was saying was to write down everything they said. Not for reference later, but so that I was actually doing s'mink other than letting me mind wander. It's a technique that seems to work well, but doesn't half give ur hand cramp after a while.

Saturday 26 January 2008

Why do people have to burn their pancakes at 2:30 am??

Honestly, it's a perfectly valid question. I mean, WHY? lol
The reason for me asking this is because thats exactly what's just happened. They got it all sorted out real quick n all, but most people were still left standing round outside all bleary eyed n cold for bout 30 mins or so. All I can say is that I'm just so happy that it's friday otherwise we'd have a whole load of grumpy people wandering bout the place 2-moz. so yeah, with that I'm gonna head off to bed n try to get some sleep. All I have to do first is to set me alarm. Now, where did I leave me phone............