Friday 21 September 2007

How to get a free tea towel


First off I now have pretty much all of me stuff packed up and ready to go. I think all I have left to pack up are me Wii (which I'm leaving till the last minute) and some pots n pans. I gotta have a (short) chat with dave on msn which was cool since I haven't been on msn at the same time as him since he left.

I knew that cloud and me mum were plotting something since whenever cloud rang up me mum would eventually get a hold of the phone and go off someplace else with it.Charlotte had told me that she n Gaz were gonna take me out to oxford or someplace, but it turned out that they were taking me to the oriental Buffet place at the Kassam. They'd got Emzy, Kit kat, Kezzi, Shelley and Liz to come a long as well as Gaz n tom. It was kinda cool to see them again. I spent most of the time talking to Liz, Shelley and cloud. I still totally adore Chinese food. sweet n sour in just the best, along with there duck and pancake thingys of course. I had more of an appetite than I normally do. Probably since I think all I'd eaten up to that point was a pack of me instant noodles and some kinda cereal bar. I ate a pretty much everything on me plate though so I didn't feel bad bout leaving anything. Some of us then had a random time eating jelly with chopsticks. I also got cards from most people which was cool. I also got
*a multi coloured cardboard box
*a dragon box
*some candy sticks
*a student cook book
*5 tea towels and a potato peeler
...oh how my friends love me. lol
After we had an inpromptu (is that even a word??) trip to the bowling alley next door. (Tom throwing the ball backwards and me getting 3 spares followed by 5 gutter balls. lol)
So yeah, over all it was a pretty cool evening so I guess a massive thanx goes to Cloud(and me mum) for organizing it all.

I guess the only downer on today was when I was looking at some of me mums old photo's on the computer and I stumbled across a picture of me grandad. I still know that he's a lot happier where he is now than he was when he was trapped here, but I still can't help missing him. I guess he's the family member that I was most similar to, and I felt as close to him as I used too with me Grannie. I know that he would have been so proud of William (and Joseph) and I really want to make the best of university since it's his money that's mainly funding it and I really want to feel that I would have made him proud of me.

Thursday 13 September 2007

"Pop up Dragon Destroys Carefully Construckted Pile of Wood"


So today consisted mainly of gettin more stuffs together for uni, and packing my many books into boxes to be stored whilst I'm away. In the evening I had a "freak out" moment, but eventually i calmed down and headed over to Andy's house where a loada ex-space peoples were getting together to just generally socialize and stuffs. I'm glad I headed over there since it did help to cheer me up. Everyone had Chinese takeaway to eat. They'd ordered before I got there, but they'd ordered plenty, and there was stuff I liked. (sweet n sour stuff and rice. mmmmmmm). A load of the guys were playing n-tropy which involves concentration (in the same way as jenga does). It was made a little difficult by the fact that a group of the girls were playing "pop up dragon" and they screamed whenever the dragon came up. It was a great evening though. It was cool to be able to chat to Peter, Emily, Emma and Andy and all the other peeps.

Tuesday 11 September 2007

ROAD TRIP!!.......almost.


Cloud came round again today. She passed her driving test last Friday so she came round to give me a lil drive. All we did was drive up to Mac Donald's, but it was still cool for just the two of us to be able to drive up there. We brought take outs, and nicked a loada the "art attack" sheet things they've got out for the kids atm. When we just headed back to my house. We decided to watch a DVD whilst we ate, and we settled on watching "a Series on Unfortunate Events" since she's never seen it. She agreed with me that the "Happy lil elf" intro totally confuses you at the beginning, and that it's just an all out weird film. I remember liking it much more the second time I saw it for some reason. So yeah, after the film me and cloud had a go on excite truck. She picked it up really quickly. She always did great on stars (normally being higher than me) but I'm used the controls more so she'd often finish a few seconds behind me. We're a pretty even match though which is fun. I'm really gonna miss her when I go to uni. though we've both said we'll write to each other. (Neither she nor her boyfriend have the Internet, and she's almost as bad as me when it comes to texts).

In the evening I had my last space band practice which was kind of odd. It's still kinda annoying that I only really got to go to it for 6 months, and that I had to give up me swimming to do it. I still think I made the right decision though since I've totally loved being a part of it.

So yeah, the end of an era, is sneaking up on me fast, and I feel like there's so much I want to do before I eventually leave, but there's not enough time to do it. Life's just weird like that I guess.