Thursday 11 October 2007

So......what the heck can I type now

So after being almost internet-less for almost three weeks I can finally get online in me room, and you know what....I have no idea what to type. I could talk about moving in, the fact that I meet anyone else from my floor for the first 3 days, the people in chantry halls of residence (I'm in Hamwic). The three guys from me kitchen who I now tend to hang out with most, the fact that one of them was a total idiot two night back when he was totally off his head on cannabis and we all had to stand outside because there was a small fire in one of the kitchens. I could mention my trip to London, the fact that each day I'm getting to lessons slightly less late so eventually I'll arrive on time. (I know, shocking isn't it). I could go on about the evenings spent over at Pete's place with him and Alex, or about the Alpha course, which is really great. I could rant for hours about how much I totally love the lil church we go to now and how totally at home I felt there the first week. I could mention the freshers fair, and free beans and spatulas, or the bizarre student-e type things I've found meself cooking. I could thank me new church for all the food we've ben getting through it, and how amazingly welcome they've made me feel. I could have a real moan about just how noisy the halls get at round 2:15 when all the drunk peeps come stampeding in shouting and swearing having just been chucked out of the clubs. I'm tempted to mention watching "the Prestige" and "The Shawshank Redemption" and just how good they both were, or go into a mini rant about just how much I suck at Mario 64, but how I'm going to buy it for me Wii anyways. I could go on about all of those things, but I won't since I have no idea what to say.............


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my site, it is about the CresceNet, I hope you enjoy. The address is . A hug.

Desert Marine said...

So, I've never noticed blogs getting spammed before. Odd.

I guess I should say "Hi!" I found your blog when I clicked on something in my profile to see how many other people in the world liked the same book (The Warlords of Nin) as me, and apparently out of the six billion or so folks on Planet Earth, you and I are the only two who liked Stephen Lawhead's first fantasy stuff!


Anyhow, I don't know much about you or your life, but I think I'll be dropping in from time to time to see what's happening to the only other Warlords of Nin fan!


Desert Marine said...

Stupid me. 2007? Never mind. My bad.