Thursday 30 August 2007

LEEK ^_^

Ok, so after waiting aaaaaaages, I've finally seen me new lil cousin, he's now about 9 weeks old and he's massive. He ain't half gonna be tall when he's older. Also William has grown sooooooo much since I last saw him (which was before Christmas). He's got such an amazing personality and is just one of the sweetest lil kids EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really can't wait till I get to see the both of them again.

Back in Abingdon I gotta hang out with cloud for the evening which was ultra-great since I haven't seen her in what feels like an age. I haven't really been over to her place much since she started dating Gaz, since I always felt kinda odd bout it. I really wanna spend as much time with her as I can now though since when I head off to uni I'm not going to see her for months on end. = (

Friday 24 August 2007

it's only been 2 years......................


Ok, so I'm just gonna say that I owe facebook an enormous thanx sop THANKYOU.. I mean, I spent a large amount of this evening just chattin to two people from fitz that I'd totally lost touch with for over 2 years. The first of them was Andy Phelan, who somehow seemed to have no only found me, but invited me as a friend. I was never amazingly close to Andy, but we were always kinda mates, we go ton with each other, and no matter how much of a cow I was to him at times he never picked on me or went out of his way to put me down. Seems like some Major stuff has been going on in his life since I last saw him (at out leavers ball), but he still seems to be doing great. Then, I was lookin through Andy's face book mates, and who should I come across but Helen Hetherington. I can't tell you how happy this made me feel. Helen was a totally awesome mate at fitz, one of those few people who could always make me smile, even when I didn't want too. She was one of the very few people that I was seriously peed off at meself over having lost contact with. She was away in America when we had out ball, and she moved to live with her dad somewhere straight after. I didn't know where she was living, Leanne didn't seem to know her new address, and that was bout it. I did once try to go to where she used to live to try and find out, but when I go there I realized that I wasn't sure which house it was out of 2 semi detached, and being the total wimp that I am I chickened out, but one of that matters now, cos I've found her again. we've spent hours chattin bout nothing in particular now, and I'm now totally beat, but I don't care. she's hardly changed, and it's just as if we hadn't lost contact for 2 years, it's just as east to chat to her as it ever was. The Helen's of this world are truly amazing. lol

Friday 3 August 2007

*is a lil tired* ........zzzzzzzzzzz


Ok, so I've been away on guide camp for th alast few days so I've kinda got a lot to catch up on. I'll try n type it up 2-moz ( /more reasonable time today), although that may not happen since I'm headin off to new wine on sunday and I'm beat right now. I really feel like reading s'more of me Stephen Lawhead book, but I should probably go get soem sleep so as I can wake up at a reasonable time and and be at least semi concious for new wine. So yeah, I'll write more laters.