Monday 31 December 2007

The great non-event that is the new year


So this year new year was just one non stop snail ride, consisting of eating some bread and watching re-runs of "have I got news for you". I'm not complaining, It wasn't a bad evening or anything. It just wasn't new year.

Thursday 6 December 2007

So Mario destroys the universe..........


So yeah I just finished the final boss on Galaxy so YAY!!! ^_^
I have to say that the final boss thing isn't actually all that hard. The run up to it can get irritating at times (evil lava tunnel), though It's still enjoyable. So yeah I guess that very end is just a case of quickly looking at exactly what you've got and using it. I'm sooo glad I completed it today since I'd only played it one other time in the last coupla weeks since i've been trying to concentrate on me essay n stuffs.
I think I agree with what dave said in his review, about how the lil story book thing is kinda disjointed and not really fitting in with the rest of the games story. But anyways, I'm gonna carry on playing. I'm sooo not gonna get all the stars, but there are a whole loada galaxies that I completely missed out. This actually meant that I only got to use two of mario's costumes once, and I completely skipped another, lol. so yeah, I needa go find them. Atm I'm kinda confused as to why the big L in the sky is there, but I'm hoping to find out at some point = )

EDIT: Oh dear, this entire post seems to be me rambling about a video game. not a good sign. lol

Trolly count: 20